Archives du Futur Antérieur

Solenoïd phase / AFA production

Solenoïd Phase

Printed circuitboard
Art edition of 15
by Archives du Futur Antérieur & Gaël Hugo / Onemore Studio

This printed electronic circuit is a musical robot dedicated to play Clapping Music by Steve Reich thanks to the sound synchope from two micro magnets

A creative robot that rythms space and time by playing live a monument of contemporary music a every use!

Solenoid Phase is a new way to produce, distribute and consume music all in one at the same time.

A tribute to Steve Reich and the phase patterns, a real electronic instrument playing analogue music.

The relationship Man-Machine comes full cycle, humans playing a binary based rythm inspired by machine language being played by a musical machine.

The ghost in the machine is alive !

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